korean-recipes kimchi
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Korean Recipes
Some people say Kimchi is too spicy, and some say it is yummy.
Even though we live in Canada, Kimchi is still our main side dish for every meal. My kids just love it!! People say mine is one of the best, haha. 🙂
Because kimchi is fermented, like yogurt, it contains “healthy bacteria” called lactobacilli that aids in the digestion process of your body. Another amazing by-product of its fermentation process are the probiotics which can also fight off various infections in your body. Also it helps lowering your cholesterol levels.
Then let's make yummy yummy kimchi.
By the way, this kimchi is a traditional way(Tongbaechu-kimchi 통배추김치), so I do not cut the cabbage into rectangle shape pieces.
Another special~~~ methods 1.I am using fruits to add natural sweetness and more flavor. 2. Grind all ingredients except green onions, so no more dangling vegetables, you can eat them all.
Kimchi (quantity of one big plastic container)
Main Ingredients: 8 Suey Choy(napa cabbage)
For salting the cabbages: Water, Kosher salt
For making porridge:
•3 cups water
•1/4 cup sweet rice flour (glutinous rice flour)
Seasonings and spices:
•3 cups hot pepper flakes (gochugaru)
•40 garlic cloves - minced
•3 picky size ginger - minced
•1/2 apple
•1/2 pear
•1&1/2 onion
•1/2 medium radish(about 450g)
•8 tablespoons fish sauce - you can buy at the Korean market or some Asian markets.
•3 tablespoons fermented salted shrimp (saeujeot) - you can buy at the Korean market.
•2 cups of dried anchovy stock or vegetable stock (click the words if you want to see how to make the stock.)
•2 tablespoons sugar
•7 green onions
First, choose Napa cabbage(left). Traditional Kimchi does not use normal cabbage.
we do not use this kind of cabbage for making kimchi
Prepare salty water first, as it takes time to dissolve salt. In a big bowl put a handful of Kosher salt. If you think that the water would be pretty salty, then that is a good amount. In Korea, if they live by the seashore, they would dunk the cabbage into the sea water for this. Of course you can sprinkle salt directly to the cabbage, but dunking into salty water first will help salt down the cabbage well.
salty water to salt down the cabbage
Split a cabbage in quarter. If the cabbage is really small, you can split it in half, but I found splitting in quarters is easy to put salt and sauce inside as well.
Dunk the quarter piece into salty water to get them wet. Sprinkle the salt between the leaves by lifting up every leaf and getting salt in there. Use more salt closer to the stems, where the leaves are thicker. Funny story~~ When I made Kimchi for the first time, I did not know how to do this. I just remember seeing salted cabbage floating on water(of course the water came from the cabbage themselves as they got salted, but I was so ignorant...), so I poured a bucket of water after I sprinkled salt to the cabbage. They never got salted even after 14 hours later... Still looked fresh right from a farm... haha
Let the cabbages rest for 6-8 hours depending on how they look like. Turn them over in a half way. From time to time, you can ladle some of the salty water from the bottom of the basin over top of the cabbages. When you feel the stems where the leaves are thicker are soft, they are ready to wash.
While the cabbages are salted for 6 hours, and in between the times you’re turning them over, you can make the porridge:
Combine 3 cups of water and 1/4 cup of sweet rice flour in a small pot. Mix well with a whisk and let it cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes until it starts to bubble. Remove from the heat and let it cool off completely.
Now we are going to prepare hot pepper paste that will be put inside the cabbages.
For a deep flavor, I use fish sauce and fermented salted shrimp. Usually I go to the Korean market to buy those, but in some Asian markets, you can buy fish sauce too.
Cut the apple, pear, onion, and radish into a small size as we grind them all. For garlic and ginger, I personally like to mince them instead of grinding. But if you like to grind together, go ahead.
Put half of them into an electric grinder as all will not fit in one shot. Add half of fish sauce and fermented salted shrimp and 1 cup of dry anchovy stock (if you do not like dry anchovy stock, you can add vegetable stock instead) and grind. Also, if you do not like(or if you have allergy with) fish sauce, you can use soy sauce. For those who have allergy(or dislike) shrimp, you can add 1 tablespoon of salt instead.
Do the same thing with the other half with 1 cup of dry anchovy stock or vegetable stock.
Now we are making red pepper paste.
In a big bowl, put sauce that we just grinded (and minced garlic and minced ginger if you minced them separately), pour the porridge, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 3 cups of hot pepper flakes. Leave it at least 1 hour. That is the key to make Kimchi red color and more rich flavor. So please do not make red pepper paste just right before making Kimchi!!
As you can see, water came out from the cabbages as they get salted after 6-8 hours. When the stem parts are soft, it is time to wash the cabbage.
Wash thoroughly for 3-4 times and let them be drained.
When the cabbages are well drained for about 2 hours, now it is time to make Kimchi. Pour 7 green onions chopped.
Spread some Kimchi paste on each cabbage leaf. When every leaf is covered with paste, wrap it around itself into a small packet, and put into your jar or plastic container.
You can eat right away or wait for a few days for Kimchi to be fermented. For fermenting, let it sit at room temperature for a day and put it into the refrigerator. This adds more deep fermented flavor.
This is Kimchi right after I made.
I like to eat Kimchi right after it is made. I just use my hands to tear them.
Also adding grinded sesame seed to Kimchi when made right away is my favorite too.
After fermented. Oh my.. not boasting... but simply fantastic!
Atomy Joy©2015
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